Call For Art: 30 Under 30

Call For Art
30 Under 30: Emerging Artists in The United States

A Virtual Exhibition by Michael Rose Fine Art

Gallerist Michael Rose seeks emerging artists for a special virtual exhibition celebrating exciting works by young artists. This show is open to work in any media produced by artists of all backgrounds living and working throughout the United States. Applicants should be aged 29 or younger as of October 1, 2020. Thirty works will be selected. Each selected artwork will be featured in a gallery on Michael’s website, and will also be highlighted individually on his social media channels. One artist will receive a future solo virtual feature. All submitted works should be available for sale. Should works sell, artists will retain 100% of the proceeds. Read the full call for art, and apply via EntryThingy.

Each applicant may submit up to three artworks for $8. Works should be recent and original. Works in all media, styles, and themes will be considered. Along with their artwork images, artists are welcome to submit a resume, statement, and description of work to share more about their background and process.

All submissions must be available for sale, and the retail price must be listed publicly during the exhibition. Should collectors inquire, Michael will relay them to artists to process sales, with artists retaining 100% of the sale price.

Entry Fee:
$8 for up to three artworks. The purpose of this small entry fee is to defray the costs involved in assembling and promoting the exhibition. Should works sell, artists will retain 100% of the sale price. There will be no commission. Please note you must pay using Paypal to submit your entry. Please make sure your entry is complete before paying. This step cannot be undone. There are no refunds for entry fees.

Deadline (EXTENDED):
Friday, July 24, 2020 (by midnight)

Accepted artists will be notified via email by Sunday, July 26, 2020.

Exhibition Dates:
Saturday, August 1 – Wednesday, September 30 online at

Terms of Entry:
By entering this call, artists give Michael Rose permission to use their imagery at his sole discretion for this virtual exhibition. Works may be reproduced online, on social media, in print, etc.

Email with the subject line “30 Under 30”

About Michael Rose
Michael is an art historian, gallerist, and appraiser based in New England. Since 2014, Michael has served as the Gallery Manager at the historic Providence Art Club, where he oversees a rigorous exhibition schedule spread across three unique gallery spaces. In addition to his work at the Club, Michael provides independent advisory services and appraisals, teaching services, and has juried numerous exhibitions. He has spoken at organizations as varied as the RISD Museum, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Bristol Art Museum, taught longer form courses in RISD’s Continuing Education Department, and published essays and reviews in Big Red & Shiny, Art New England, and others. Michael earned his BA in Art History at Providence College, and his Certificate in Art Appraisal at New York University. A sought-after art professional, Michael has a strong audience in the Northeast, as well as throughout the United States and abroad.