Professional Development Workshops for Artists Spring 2021

This spring, I am pleased to offer a series of workshops focused on professional practices for artists. I have taught programs similar to these at RISD CE, the Providence Art Club, Plymouth Center for The Arts, Dartmouth Cultural Center, and other organizations. This series of classes will focus on sharing concise and useful information about specific aspects of art practice for artists of all backgrounds and skill levels. The goal of these programs is to make my most popular offerings available in an affordable and accessible format.

Each of these courses will run about an hour and a half long. Admission for all of them is just $15 each, plus applicable Eventbrite fees. All classes will be conducted live via Zoom. Questions and comments from students are very welcome. After class, students will receive a link to a private recording of the program. I hope you’ll explore the course listings below, and register via Eventbrite to join me. Please feel free to email me with any questions.

- Michael

 Tuesday, March 23 at 6pm
How to Write an Artist’s Autobiographical Essay
Live via Zoom
Admission: $15 (Plus Eventbrite fee)

In this intensive workshop, learn how to share your personal story as an artist in a compelling and accessible way. Through the form of the short third person biographical essay, artists will develop their back-story in order to paint a more complete picture of themselves as artists and as people. By the end of the workshop, students will develop strategies and a rough outline to write their biography for use in a variety of applications including web and print.

Tuesday, May 18 at 6pm
Pitching Your Art to Galleries
Live via Zoom
Admission: $15 (Plus Eventbrite fee)

For most artists, gaining gallery representation is a career goal. In this workshop, you will learn how to research galleries, find an appropriate venue for your work, and how to assemble a professional application for gallerists. By the end of the program, artists will feel more confident in their readiness to approach galleries in order to gain exhibition opportunities or representation.

Tuesday, June 8 at 6pm
Pricing and Selling Your Art
Live via Zoom
Admission: $15 (Plus Eventbrite fee)

Pricing artwork can be a challenge even for seasoned artists. In this interactive intensive, you will learn the key issues to consider when devising a pricing strategy for your work. Various methods of pricing will be explored and students will leave with a better understanding of how to price their art in a way that is well-reasoned, fair, and attractive to buyers.

Tuesday, June 22 at 6pm
Juried Art Exhibition Basics
Live via Zoom
Admission: $15 (Plus Eventbrite fee)

Juried exhibitions provide increasingly important venues for artists to share their work with new audiences. From exhibitions mounted by local art associations to nationally competitive calls, this class will break down how to research opportunities, how to select work for your application, and how to leverage being featured in such shows. The course will also detail what goes on behind the scenes from both a gallery and juror prospective.

About Michael Rose

Michael Rose is an art historian, gallerist, and appraiser based in New England. Since 2014, he has served as Gallery Manager at the historic Providence Art Club in Providence, RI, where he oversees an ambitious exhibition schedule spread across three unique gallery spaces. Michael has worked with hundreds of artists and thousands of individual works of art. Under his leadership, the Galleries of the Art Club received two coveted Best of Rhode Island Awards for Best Art Gallery.

Michael is a sought-after speaker and teacher on topics related to art business and art history. He has taught courses in the Rhode Island School of Design’s Continuing Education Department as well as at organizations like the Plymouth Center for The Arts, and the Dartmouth Cultural Center. He earned his BA in Art History at Providence College and earned his Certificate in Appraisal Studies in Fine and Decorative Arts at New York University.

Learn more about Michael at his website

Class Policies
Students should be familiar with the Zoom platform. Students will receive the Zoom link for the class the day of the event. There are no refunds for cancelled reservations, but all registrants will receive a link to a private video of the class so if you have technical difficulties or are unable to attend you will still receive the content.

For questions, please reach out to